Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp – Columbus Superfund Site, Columbus, MS

Transforming Today’s Environmental Challenges into Tomorrow’s Opportunities


Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC — trustee of the Multistate Environmental Response Trust — owns and is responsible for managing and cleaning up the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp – Columbus Superfund Site in Columbus, Mississippi.

The Multistate Environmental Response Trust (the Multistate Trust) is currently performing environmental actions to clean up the ±89-acre former Kerr-McGee Site in Columbus (the Site). Redevelopment planning is also underway to facilitate future transfer or sale of the Site for safe, beneficial, community-supported reuse.

The Multistate Trust is a private, independent trust created as part of a bankruptcy settlement and dedicated to this multifaceted mission in Columbus:

Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, Inc. (Greenfield) is the sole member of Greenfield Environmental Multistate Trust LLC. Visit the Greenfield Environmental Trust Group website.


OU3/OU5 EPA Proposed Plan Meeting Held October 26

EPA hosted a public meeting on October 26, 2023 at the Genesis Dream Center after issuing a Proposed Plan for Operable Units 3 and 5 (OU3 and OU5). EPA representatives presented the Proposed Plan for remediating and addressing contamination in OU3 and OU5 to the community and other stakeholders.

See the meeting presentation here and watch the recording.

EPA has extended the comment period for the Proposed Plan and will accept public comments through December 18, 2023. See the Proposed Plan Fact Sheet here for more information.

Multistate Trust Town Hall, July 2023

Community Resource Building is Open

The Multistate Trust's Community Resource Building has reopened. Please stop by to get materials about the Site, ask questions about our work, or provide suggestions. Located at 2300 14th Avenue North, the Community Resource Building is open Tuesdays 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Enter our parking lot from North 21st Street near 14th Avenue North.

Recent Activities at and near the Site





These photos show the City of Columbus stormwater drainage ditch looking southeast toward Waterworks Road before and after the recent completion of the removal action and ditch improvements.

Stormwater Ditch REMOVAL ACTION AND Improvements COMPLETE

The Multistate Trust finished excavating creosote-contaminated soil from the City of Columbus stormwater drainage ditches between Moss Street and Waterworks Road southeast of the Site in 2021. Learn more in our August 2021 Community Newsletter and our Fact Sheet about Stormwater Ditch Improvement.

Cleanup of Off-Site Property surface soils substantially complete

Cleanup and restoration were finished in 2021 at 9 of the 10 off-site properties identified as eligible for cleanup. Air monitoring, truck decontamination, and traffic control efforts were taken to keep the community safe during construction. Read the Cleanup of Off-Site Property Surface Soil Fact Sheet and the EPA Record of Decision for Operable Unit 2, off-Site soils.

Phytoremediation pilot study

A variety of trees were planted at the Site in 2021 as part of Phytoremediation Pilot Study by EPA and the U.S. Geological Survey to evaluate if tree groves can be used in combination with other cleanup actions to control groundwater movement and help maintain protective conditions. Learn more in our August 2021 Community Newsletter.

Pine Yard Cleanup mostly finished

After finishing more than 90 percent of the creosote and contaminated soil removal from a portion of the Pine Yard, the Multistate Trust completed grading the majority of the Pine Yard in late 2021 and early 2022. Final touch-up grading and seeding will be finished once Site conditions allow. Much of the 44-acre Pine Yard is ready for reuse. Read the Fact Sheet about Pine Yard Soil Removal.

In July 2022, the Tronox Tort Trust sent the Multistate Trust a letter in response to the Multistate Trust’s requests that Tronox Tort Trust representatives participate in community meetings, meet with affected residents, and provide information about the claims process in a format that is accessible to residents.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about the former Kerr-McGee Site, please contact Claire Woods of the Multistate Trust at or (910) 765-7237.



About the Former Kerr-McGee Site in Columbus, MS

The Site is located at 2300 14th Avenue North and consists of two parcels separated by 14th Avenue North. The former Main Plant Area occupies 45 acres south of 14th Avenue North. The 44-acre Pine Yard is located north of 14th Avenue North.

In 1928, the T.J. Moss Tie Company started wood treating operations at the Site. Wood treating ended when the Kerr-McGee plant shut down in 2003.

During operations, raw timber was brought to the Site by rail and stored in the Pine Yard and at several locations at the Main Plant Area.  Creosote, pentachlorophenol, and other chemicals were used to pressure-treat the raw timber for use as railroad ties and other wood products.

The wood treating operations released creosote and other hazardous materials into the soil, stormwater ditch sediment, and groundwater on and off the Site.

Visit the Superfund Cleanup and Site Overview pages to learn more.

Kerr-McGee Site and Context Map

Kerr-McGee Site and Context Map


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Copyright © Multistate Environmental Response Trust 2024
